Inscription | Empowering Mass Users, Leading the Autonomous World

Inscription | Empowering Mass Users, Leading the Autonomous World

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Inscription Mode Provides a User-Friendly Entry Experience for Newcomers

The bull markets of ICO in 2017 and DeFi in 2020 were marked by a significant number of users directly engaging with blockchain. This current bull market is expected to follow the same logic. However, attracting users to the chain has always been a challenge in the industry. ICOs allowed users to participate directly in early fundraising, and DeFi enabled profit through liquidity mining. Yet, both had high entry barriers, making it difficult to attract a large user base.

Inscription | Empowering Mass Users, Leading the Autonomous World

ICO's entry barrier lies in the cost of identification. I remember back in 2017, there was a widely circulated project whitepaper cloud, encompassing nearly a thousand projects. Each project had a glamorous background and ambitious plans, leaving many bewildered. Could such a thing be realized? For newcomers unfamiliar with technology, it was challenging to discern, leading to a pursuit of trends and the creation of a speculative bubble.

DeFi's entry barrier involves initial capital and the ability to discern security aspects. Without initial capital and the ability to discern security issues, one not only fails to make money but may also fall victim to a rug pull or be hacked.

Inscription, on the other hand, has the lowest entry barrier. Users only need to afford gas fees to participate, catering to users with a lower risk appetite. Moreover, users are naturally close to the community, enabling them to take the initiative. By adhering to the principle of only participating in minting or the early stage, users essentially risk only losing gas fees at most.

In the post-internet era, relying solely on application features makes it challenging to attract users on a large scale from one application system to another. This is especially true for new types of applications like Web3, which have a higher experience and entry threshold. Creating a network effect before fully realizing the value of such applications has been a persistent challenge. Distributing future assets within the application directly through Inscription, attracting users to the blockchain, and building a user community through assets is a strategy to address this challenge.

Is the Inscription Game Sustainable?

Many people question whether the Inscription game is sustainable. Initially, it was seen as an alternative meme, considering its application form had not yet emerged.

If viewed as a collective game, the question can be simplified.

Players entering this game have several options:

  1. Hold and see who holds for the longest.
  2. Sell and see who runs the fastest.

In this game system, each person makes decisions based on predicting others' judgments. If most people predict that there are more holders, it will incentivize more people to participate, making the entire game system more enduring because holders will ultimately win. However, those who want to sell may choose to exit when the prediction reaches its peak. Some may be smarter and exit ahead of time, potentially preventing the peak from being reached. Following this deduction, the entire game system could become a game of pursuing rapid exits.

Initially, holders express their beliefs verbally, attempting to build consensus. However, the credibility of this expression is low because they may sell while expressing their beliefs.

As the game progresses to the second stage, to send more credible signals, infrastructure is needed. Building infrastructure around the ecosystem is a way of pledging faith. If the game cannot persist, the investments made in infrastructure will be in vain.

As the game reaches the third stage, a derived ecosystem emerges on top of the infrastructure, creating an ecological cycle and turning it into a sustainable game.

A critical point for the game is that the system must be decentralized, eliminating single-point risks and ensuring openness, allowing anyone to participate.

Only in this way can participants (including players and builders) exit and switch without affecting the game's continuation.

The Inscription game is currently in the second stage. When a collective game system enters the second stage, it generates positive externalities, indicating the potential for a long-term sustainable track.

The Evolutionary Path of Inscription

  1. New asset protocols on Bitcoin, whether extending based on the Ordinals Inscription protocol or introducing new inscription methods, can be categorized under this perspective.
  2. Many emerging Bitcoin Layer2 solutions are, in fact, the result of this evolutionary direction.
  3. The combination of Inscription and smart contracts is referred to as Smart Inscription. Many ecological and application scenarios envisioned by Inscription need to be implemented at the Indexer layer. To provide third-party extensions, the Indexer layer naturally considers incorporating a smart contract virtual machine. Thus, the combination of Inscription and smart contracts allows Inscription to express assets, while smart contracts create usage scenarios, opening up more imaginative possibilities for Inscription application scenarios.

What will the Derived Ecosystem of Inscription Look Like?

Inscription represents assets and items within this autonomous world, and the Inscription protocol establishes rules about these assets, embodying the concept of the autonomous world. The issuance method of Inscription is evolving, becoming more gamified, embedding its issuance into various application scenarios in the future, naturally integrating into every corner of this autonomous world.

From the perspective of asset expression, Inscription is considered a semi-homogeneous asset (SFT). However, it not only serves as a means of asset expression but also encompasses new asset issuance methods, representing a novel incentive mode. This new incentive mode will give rise to different ecosystems. In the previous DeFi wave, incentive structures and the construction of applications were explored. Inscription, driven by its SFT characteristics, with liquidity between FT and NFT, is more suitable for small teams in startups to issue assets. When the market discovers replicable incentive and application construction patterns, numerous small and medium-sized teams begin to build applications, heralding the arrival of a true bull market.

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Copyrights:yiyi Posted on 2024年 1月 23日 am11:48。
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