What is Launchpad

What is Launchpad

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Launchpad is a platform that has become a popular choice for many users, alongside engaging in spot/contract trading on exchanges and participating in various airdrop activities. So, what is Launchpad? This article will introduce Launchpad, including eligibility, participation conditions, and ways to participate.

What is Launchpad

Let's first briefly review several basic concepts: IEO, IDO, and ICO.

What is IEO?

IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) refers to tokens being directly listed on an exchange, which also provides more publicity and exposure opportunities for the project. While this method helps filter out some scams, malicious, or low-quality projects, it still carries certain risks.

What is IDO?

IDO (Initial Dex Offering), or the first decentralized exchange (DEX) issuance, involves tokens being issued through decentralized exchanges (DEX). For project teams, this method is more cost-effective than IEO, as decentralized exchanges usually charge lower fees or none at all.

However, to maintain the token's price trend and promote its trading volume, project teams often need additional funds, such as a certain amount of ETH or BNB, as they need to use another equivalent cryptocurrency in the liquidity pool.

What is ICO?

ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is an early fundraising method where tokens are issued on the blockchain and sold to early supporters (exchanging for their holdings of BTC, ETH, and other assets). However, ICOs pose high risks to investors as they are usually not regulated by any laws. Many blockchain projects using the ICO model have been involved in scams in the past.


With the increasing popularity of the IDO/IEO model, Launchpad from various exchanges has become a widely discussed and hot topic. In simple terms, Launchpad can be considered an upgraded version of IDO/IEO. For example, while IEO involves project teams seeking reliable exchanges for token issuance, Launchpad is where exchanges actively seek trustworthy project teams for token issuance.

On Launchpad, project teams can sell their tokens to raise the necessary funds for their projects. Simultaneously, Launchpad provides investors with an opportunity to invest in these projects, allowing them to participate in the early stages of project development.

How Launchpad Works

Project teams first submit an application to the platform, including information about the project overview, goals, team introduction, and economic model. The platform reviews the application, screening based on a set of criteria. Projects that pass the review will conduct public crowdfunding on Launchpad.

On Launchpad, investors can use specific cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase the project's tokens. Generally, these tokens will be listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges immediately after the crowdfunding ends for trading. Investors can choose projects that align with their risk tolerance and investment preferences.


The emergence of Launchpad holds significant importance for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Firstly, it provides crucial financial and resource support for early-stage projects, helping them realize their ideas and goals. Simultaneously, Launchpad offers investors a platform to access early-stage investment opportunities, enabling them to share in the growth and increased value of projects.

Through Launchpad, investors have the chance to purchase tokens when a project is just starting. If the project succeeds in its development, the token's value often experiences significant growth. Therefore, for investors willing to take on certain risks, Launchpad becomes an attractive choice.


When choosing to participate in Launchpad projects, investors should pay attention to several aspects. Firstly, they need to thoroughly understand the background and team members of the project, assessing whether they possess sufficient experience and capabilities to achieve the project's goals. Secondly, investors should carefully study the project's economic model, including information on the total token supply, circulation, and the token's utility in the ecosystem. Lastly, investors need to prudently evaluate the risks and rewards of the project, ensuring they can make informed investment decisions.

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Copyrights:yiyi Posted on 2024年 1月 22日 pm4:42。
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