Blockchain Wallet

imToken 翻译站点

imToken is a lightweight cryptocurrency wallet that supports Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (dApps), as well as Bitcoin and EOS. The co...





imToken is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet.

It is a lightweight wallet designed for Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies, decentralized applications (dApps), Bitcoin, and EOS. The company was founded by Ben He in May 2016 and is headquartered in Hangzhou, China.

imToken wallet allows users to store multiple chain digital assets and securely store private information using a mnemonic phrase or biometric verification (facial recognition and fingerprint). Additionally, imToken supports token-to-token exchanges through the enabling of decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges (DEX) functionality and instant swap features.

ImToken History

imToken 1.0:

imToken 1.0 wallet only supports Ethereum-based tokens following the ERC20 token standard. According to the imToken website, this wallet became the largest Ethereum wallet in the world.

imToken 2.0:

imToken 2.0 is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to manage multiple wallets using a single identity and mnemonic phrase. The imToken 2.0 wallet retains the features of imToken 1.0 and adds the ability to simultaneously manage Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and EOS (including EOS tokens). With the release of imToken 2.2.1, the wallet introduced biometric verification, allowing users to send tokens after verifying their identity with facial recognition and fingerprint authentication.

ImToken Financing Situation

On May 31, 2018, imToken completed their Series A financing, raising USD 10 million from IDG Capital.
